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medicine chest 藥箱,藥柜。

medicine dance

Hunter brought the boat round under the stern - port , and joyce and i set to work loading her with powder tins , muskets , bags of biscuits , kegs of pork , a cask of cognac , and my invaluable medicine chest 亨特把劃子劃到大船左側的后舷窗下,喬埃斯和我則著手把火藥桶火槍餅干袋腌肉聽和一桶白蘭地,以及我那無價之寶的醫藥箱裝到劃子上去。

Then , no self - respecting male ' s medicine chest was apparently complete without liberal supplies of cat ' s dung , snail ' s blood and chicken droppings - not to mention arsenic and brimstone 那時候,重視自我的男性醫藥箱內若沒有充足的貓糞、蝸牛血與雞屎,顯然就不完備,更別提砒霜與硫磺了。

“ keep calm , “ said mr . kangaroo to the principal , “ the firecrackers that we keep in the medicine chest have just exploded . we love the noise . “別緊張, ”袋鼠先生對校長說, “我們放在藥箱里的鞭炮爆炸了,我們喜歡這種聲音。 ”

It ' s like he raided somebody ' s medicine chest 看起來就好像他搶了誰的藥箱

“ mm - mm , i always travel with my medicine chest “哼…我不論到哪都隨身帶著小藥箱

It is a medicine chest of unlimited potential 它是具有無限潛力的醫藥百寶箱。